
4. Januar 2019

Positive Fashion

The British Fashion Council continues to focus on its Positive Fashion initiative, a platform designed to celebrate industry best practice and encourage future business decisions to […]
6. Januar 2019

STOP TALKING. START ACTING – PREMIUM and ECOALF are taking steps towards sustainability

Climate change is real. And so is the responsibility of every human being to help in reducing waste. We no longer want to talk about sustainability, […]
6. Januar 2019

PREMIUM is in focus

Based on Europe-wide studies with buyers and its close relationship with the industry and retail PREMIUM is evolving. In January, each PREMIUM brand will define its […]
6. Januar 2019

Berlin Fashion Week 2019

Die Berlin Fashion Week zeigt zweimal jährlich – einmal Ende Januar, einmal im Juli – die neuesten Kollektionen und Trends nationaler Designer und umsatzstarker Marken sowie […]