Redaktion ZeitBlatt Magazin

11. Juli 2024

Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe hosts Hamptions Super Saturday at Hamptons Fashion Week

His Highness Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe announced as host for Hamptons Fashion Week Super Saturday H.H. Dr. Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe is honored to host the Hamptons Super Saturday® presented […]
1. Juli 2024

Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe announced as host for NYFW Heritage Fashion Week 2024

German Royal His Highness Dr. Prince Mario-Max zu Schaumburg-Lippe was announced host for the NYFW Heritage International Fashion Week on September 6th and 7th 2024 by […]
27. Juni 2024

Der deutsche Künstler Seine Hoheit Erbprinz Mario-Max bringt am 4 Juli Foto-Ausstellung nach Los Angeles

Seine Hoheit Erbprinz Mario-Max bereiste die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika mit fotografischer Akribie und hielt die besten Momente seiner Reise gekonnt fest. „Ich bin seit 10 […]
14. Juni 2024

Charity art auction at the Romy Schneider Museum

On Sunday, 23 June 2024, art expert and auctioneer Dr Michael Ulbricht from the Leipzig