Uwe Marcus Magnus Rykov

9. Januar 2019

Der Hirschfaktor »Die Kunst des Zitierens

Im Rahmen der Ausstellung Hirschfaktor. »Die Kunst des Zitierens« werden verschiedene Werke aus Sammlungen präsentiert wodurch sich die ausgestellten Werke sich aus den unterschiedlichen Lebensbereichen ziehen […]
9. Januar 2019

1918. The Luxury of Freedom

The exhibition has been created in collaboration between the Fashion Museum, the Alexandre Vassiliev Foundation and the Museum of the History of Riga and Navigation. It […]
7. Januar 2019

Exhibition Form. Colour. Dynamics – 40

Third satellite exhibition of the project JUST ON TIME. Design Stories About Latvia. The third and final satellite exhibition of the project JUST ON TIME. Design […]
7. Januar 2019

The Capital of Fashion

Rigans, as well as Latvians in general, always follow fashion even though it is difficult to keep up with Paris, Milan and London, where fashion is […]