Prinz Mario-Max zu Schaumburg-Lippe

28. März 2018

Olga Papkovitch became New Yorks favorite Artist, Designer and Publisher 2018

How the elegant Baroness Olga Papkovitch became New Yorks favorite Artist, Designer and Publisher 2018. Her Popimpresska empire was crowned 2018 with her very own fashion […]
26. März 2018

Meet Star-Photographer and Humanitarian Michael Bezjian who is our Kind Man of the Year of Hollywood

NORTH AMERICAN NEWS AGENCY / ZEITBLATT MAGAZINE / CTS / HIS HIGHNESS PRINCE MARIO-MAX SCHAUMBURG-LIPPE Star-Photographer and Humanitarian Michael Bezjian is our Kind Man of the […]
26. März 2018

The King of British Media – Thomas Mace-Archer-Mills in a very personal portrait by His Highness Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe of Germany

NORTH AMERICAN NEWS AGENCY / Zeitblatt Magazine / CTS NEWS AGENCY / H.H. Dr. Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe The King of British Media – Thomas Mace-Archer-Mills in […]
24. März 2018

Hollywood Actor Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe: Why Heidi Klum is Hollywood Royalty !

North American News Agency/Hollywood/California/USA Hollywood Actor Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe: Why Heidi Klum is Hollywood Royalty ! The German born Supermodel, TV-hostess, actress, entrepreneur and charismatic supermom […]