Redaktion ZeitBlatt Magazin

7. August 2023

Experten-Tip: Immobilien-TV-Experte Daniel Wiezorrek zu Immobilienfinanzierung und Kauf der ersten Immobilie

Der Weg zur eigenen Immobilie mag mit Herausforderungen gespickt sein, doch eröffnet er auch ein Universum an Möglichkeiten. Um auf diesem Weg Klarheit zu schaffen und […]
7. August 2023

How The Golden Halo Award Acknowledged The Lifetime Achievement of 360 VR Industry Leader Katharine Watford Cook

After over a decade of pounding the pavement and knocking on the doors of Hollywood’s movie studios and TV networks, Katharine Watford Cook was awarded the […]
10. Juli 2023

MM6 Maison Margiela Autumn – Winter 2023

Deciphering where one garment begins and another ends does not typically take a detective’s eye. A sweatshirt cuff poking out from a trenchcoat sleeve, for example, […]
10. Juli 2023

The concept EP about space by Noise in Myself: listen to “Answers” now

Venturing out, exploring, experimenting and looking for answers are appropriate activities for young and open minds. And this is exactly what Noise in Myself try to […]