Redaktion ZeitBlatt Magazin

23. Oktober 2019


Today, Wednesday 23rd October 2019, Stephanie Phair, Chair and Caroline Rush, Chief Executive British Fashion Council (BFC) announced the nominations for The Fashion Awards 2019 at a […]
9. Oktober 2019

IFSA’s “Royal” Gamble with H.H. Prince Mario-Max: Titles and Cocktails on show at the new 2019 Innovation Pavilion Workshops

The International Flight Services Association (IFSA) headed by Managing Director Lauren Costello, recently added an unusual and unprecedented “Royal” twist to one of its workshops at […]
3. Oktober 2019

Philanthropist Highlight: How Hollywood Celebrity Michael Vitally Vernon uses Oduwa Crypto to help the poor!

Michael was adopted form an orphanage at 12 years old. He picked the Oduwa project because it resonates with his background .
27. September 2019

Prof. Claus Gatterer Preis des ÖJC und Prof. Fred Turnheim TOP

Seit 1985 wird der Prof. Claus Gatterer Preis des  Österreichischen Journalisten Club (ÖJC), vergeben. Österreichs renommiertester Journalismus-Preis zeichnet exzellenten Journalismus aus. Der ÖJC steht seit seiner Gründung […]