Rosa Capostagno. She will be 90 years old next January and has been creating her very incredible art for 50 years.
She has created a very unique process, no one also in the world uses it, and does not use paint or brushes to color her works but uses pure silk cloth instead, a very delicate matter. When looking at her works one feels like looking at the colored big windows of the cathedrals. The amazing color combinations she can assemble gives special light and vivacity to anything she does. She is Sicilian born, but has lived in several Italian cities like Bergamo, Genova and now Saronno near Milan, because of her husband’s work and has spent 5 years in Brooklyn, New York city, in the sixties. Every city has given her a new component to introduce in her art which, recently, has become 3D because of the volume she has added to her compositions.
She has participated in several exhibits in Genova and Milano, winning recognition and valuable prizes. Her web site is there you can find her work and her life story.
She has been a member of two artists group which have exhibited their work in collective shows in Genova and in Saronno, but she has also done her personal exhibits as well.
While she lived in Genova she belonged to the Ascar artists group and in Saronno, for the past 10 years she has been part of the Atisti Saronnesi Group della Proloco, who have exhibited a collective show every year at the Nevera Hall, with the title “I Colori dell’Io”
Rosa Capostagno
Who am I?
Sono nata ad Agrigento, in Sicilia, nel mio lavoro metto i colori della mia terra, ricca di cultura e di generosità e propongo un’arte legata a thematiche care agli amanti della natura, piena di vita e di movimento, che esprime emstationi d’animo. Il mio lavoro nasce da a procedimento molto paziente e puntuale, estremamente suggestivo che crea un’atmosfera del tutto particolare, eine Sensazione riposante per l’animo e di allegria per lo spirito.
Le mie prime creazioni sono state arricchite non solo dal colore e dalla tecnica particolare che uso, ma da una componente nuova: la luce, che inserita in alcune mie opere, legate alle favole, le fa diventare pannelli luminosi‘ da una mia opera illuminata nella camera di un bambino).
Oggi, ai pannelli luminosi si sono aggiunte opere che acquistano la loro luminosità attraverso a gioco di luce naturale, mantenendo comunque quel tocco che mi piace avere. Letzter Alcune mie opere hanno akquisito spessore diventando lavori in 3D.
Rosa Capostagno I was born in Agrigento, Sicily, I try to transfer in my works the flavors of my island, and as you can see, I like to deal with themes preferred by nature lovers.
My works includes a technique which implies patience and precision, the end product creates good sensations for the soul and happiness for the spirit.
I have created lighted pictures as well, these would create a sense of security, if you can imagine them in the room of a little child. Today my works acquire light through a procedure which gives them a 3D effect.
La mia tecnica
My technique
Sono molti anni ormai che lavoro con la seta, un materiale soffice e malleabile, ma proprio per questo, non facile da usare.Ho messo a punto la mia tecnica dopo vari stadi di ricerca ed ora, dopo anni di lavoro, credo che le mie opere abbiano un contenuto e un aspetto davvero unico. Ricordano le vetrate delle grandi cattedrali.
Le mie composizioni nascono da idee che trasferisco in disegni, a cui poi do colore. Mentre chi dipinge usa colori ad olio, a tempera ed altro, la mia diversità sta nel fatto che io non uso ne pennelli ne sostanze, ma do luce ai miei quadri con morbida seta
I have been working with silk for many years now. Silk is a soft and manageable material and for this reason, not easy to work with, since I do not paint on silk, but use it to color my works.
My ideas start with a drawing, which I later color with my silk. Differently, from those who paint with brushes and oil or tempera, I do not use any of these instruments to color my works, but simply silk.
Note Biografiche My experienceMi sono formata artisticamente a New York nello studio di mio padre, maestro Lorenzo Capostagno. Dal 1979 ad oggi ha sommato al mio attivo numerose partecipazioni a importanti mostre che mi hanno procurato ripetuti riconoscimenti.
Alcune tra le quali:
I started my technique in New York City, in my father Lorenzo Capostagno’s study. Since 1979 I have taken part in important exhibits and have received several prizes. |
Rosa Capostagno – eclisse