Local Suicide kündigen ihr lang erwartetes Debütalbum „Eros Anikate“ an, das Freitag 13. Mai 2022 auf ihrem eigenen Label Iptamenos Discos erschienen ist. Der Titel bedeutet übersetzt „unbesiegbare Liebe“ und ist inspiriert von Sophokles’ Stück „Antigone”.
Das Album bleibt dem Technodisco-Sound des Berliner Duos treu, für den sich die beiden einen Namen gemacht haben, und zeigt ihren unverkennbaren Stil, der 80er Retro-Feeling mit einem modernen, düsteren Twist kombiniert. In gewohnter Local Suicide-Manier zeigt das Debütalbum des Duos augenzwinkernde Texte über mystische Abenteuer, Liebesbeziehungen und Missstände dieser Zeit. Das Album spricht aus dem Herzen des Duos und ist unter anderem von den Reisen und Erfahrungen, die sie während der Pandemie gemacht haben inspiriert.
Auf dem Album versammelt das deutsch-griechische Produzentenpaar, das kürzlich von Beatport als eine der Schlüsselfiguren der aufstrebenden Dark-Disco-Szene deklariert wurde, eine eindrucksvolle Liste an befreundeten Künstlern: Lee Stevens, Curses, The Hidden Cameras, Sissi Rada, Skelesys, Theus Mago, Hard Ton, Kalipo und die griechische New Wave Legende Lena Platonos.
Seit 2014 hat das Duo 13 EPs, zahlreiche Songs auf Compilations und Remixes auf renommierten Labels veröffentlicht und dafür großen Zuspruch von führenden elektronischen Mags wie RA, DJ Mag, Mixmag, FAZE, Groove, Ransom Note, TRAX, Time Out, Tsugi, XLR8R & Rolling Stone erhalten.
Kürzlich spielten sie sich selbst in der ZDF-Serie Fett & Fett mit, in der auch ihre musikalischen Produktionen ausführlich gefeatured wurden. Ihre DJ-Karriere hat sie bei über 1000 DJ Auftritten und duzenden Tourneen seit 2008 in alle Ecken der Welt geführt, von Europa, Asien und Nordafrika bis nach Südamerika und in die Vereinigten Staaten, wo sie die Massen beim Lollapalooza, Melt!, ADE, Off Sonar, Festival Forte, Berlin Festival und vielen weiteren begeisterten.
Local Suicide photos by Tibor Bozi:
Since meeting Munich-born Brax Moody and Thessaloniki native Vamparela have collaborated together on various projects, all culminating in the conception of Local Suicide in Berlin. Local Suicide’s distinctive sound, is an energetic fusion of new wave, EBM, slow techno, post disco and acid house that they themselves have given the name technodisco and cobrawave, while Beatport declared them as one of the key figures in the uprising dark disco scene.
Their DJ career has carried them to all four corners of the world, whipping crowds into a frenzy at Lollapalooza, Melt!, ADE, Off Sonar, Festival Forte, Berlin Festival and almost every club the German capital has to offer. Their live cuts have been honed to perfection with years of shows alongside the very best in the scene, even being invited by New Order to warm up for their live performance. This hectic schedule has taken them across Europe, Asia, North Africa, South America and the United States. As the faces behind some of the most prolific parties Berlin has to offer, these two were the driving forces of the infamous Go Bang!, T.O.F.U. and Iptamenos Discotek parties, which are just one of the many marks that they have left on the Berlin underground scene.
With solo & collaborative releases with Curses, Theus Mago, Rodion, Mijo, Alejandro Paz, Thomass Jackson, Younger Than Me, Kalipo, Skelesys, Franz Matthews & more on labels such as Bordello A Parigi, Multi Culti, My Favorite Robot, Roam, Duro, Ombra INTL, Tusk Wax, Lumière Noire, Eskimo, AEON, Ransom Note, NEIN & TAU the duo had numerous releases reaching the top 10 iTunes, Beatport & Juno charts and had massive playlist support by Spotify (Electronic Rising, Afterhours, Fresh Finds, Organica, Balearic Beat) and Apple Music (The Underground,10s Electrónica Latinoamericana Essentials).
They got remixed by the likes of Iñigo Vontier, Moscoman, Fairmont, Sascha Funke, Bufi, Aera, Smagghe & Cross, Lauer, Chaim, Manfredas, NTEIBINT, Simple Symmetry, Italo Brutalo, Mufti, The KVB, Tronik Youth to mention a few and did remixes for Digitalism, Tulioxi, Mentrix, Persona, FLXXX, Remi Wanless, Leo Af Ekenstam, John Parsley, Gøne, Packim, Pyrame & more.
The duo has had a stunning amount of press coverage from leading mags like DJ Mag UK/IT/US/LA/ES, Mixmag, FAZE, Groove, TRAX, Time Out, Tsugi, XLR8R & Rolling Stone and has recently played themselves in Fett & Fett, a series broadcasted on the biggest German national TV station ZDF in which their musical productions were featured extensively as well.
In 2021 they founded their own label Iptamenos Discos, which is Greek for Flying Saucer or Flying Vinyl, that will be the home of music they love and their own productions.
Local Suicide photos by Tibor Bozi:
We Can Go Everywhere EP /w Remixes by Inflagranti, Inigo Vontier, Richard Rossa (Bordello A Parigi)
Owl & Wizzle /w Rodion & Mz Sunday Luv on “Sun Gaze / Moon Faze” compilation (Multi Culti)
Digitalism – Destination Breakdown (Remix) /w Rodion (PIAS Cooperative)
Elisa Waut – Russia (Edit) (Night Noise)
Abu Dhabi (My Favorite Robot Remix) /w Rodion on “Winter Sampler” compilation (My Favorite Robot Records)
Abu Dhabi (My Favorite Robot Remix) /w Rodion on “Best Of Year Seven” compilation’ (My Favorite Robot Records)
Abu Dhabi / True Love Floats EP /w Alibey, Rodion /w remixes by Moscoman, Fairmont, My Favorite Robot & Los Mekanikos (My Favorite Robot Records)
True Love Floats (Fairmont Remix) /w Rodion on in “Best Of Year Nine” compilation’ (My Favorite Robot Records)
Le Nez D’une Generation /w Rodion on “The Second Gathering” compilation (Sisters & Brothers / hfn Music)
Edo Kai Tora / Ganz Falsch EP /w Mijo /w remixes by Sascha Funke & Simple Symmetry (Roam Recordings)
Vespertines Unite /w Low Manuel (Nothing Is Real)
Le Nez D’une Generation /w Rodion on “Best Of hfn Music 2018” compilation (hfn Music)
Komm Ins Loch EP /w Theus Mago /w remixes by Aera & Colossio (Duro)
Who Cares /w Curses on a 4-track vinyl compilation (Ombra Intl.)
Magia EP /w Curses (Tusk Wax)
Meditation / Tutan Jamon EP /w Franz Matthews (Eskimo Recordings)
Leopard Gum EP feat. Nicki Fehr /w remixes by Smagghe & Cross / Lauer & Niv Ast (Lumière Noire)
Meditation & Tutan Jamon Remixes EP /w remixes by Manfredas, Chaim, The Oddness & NTEIBINT (Eskimo Recordings)
Late Sunday Night /w Younger Than Me on Late Summer vol 9″ compilation (LAGASTA)
Jaroška – Eating Knives (Remix) /w Skelesys (PPP Records)
Tulioxi – To End Up In Dark Mali (Remix) /w Circle Scope (Heimlich)
Dominator EP /w Kalipo /w remixes by Theus Mago, Bufi & Radial Gaze (Hold Your Ground)
Wunderbar EP /w Kalipo /w remixes by Italo Brutalo, Mufti, Back From The Wave & T.M.A (Hold Your Ground)
Mentrix – Walk (Remix) (House Of Strength)
Take It Easy /w Alejandro Paz on “Lost Artists Vol. 3” compilation (AEON)
Hit & Miss /w Thomass Jackson on “Ransom Note presents Pen Pals” compilation (Ransom Note Records)
Hoffnung /w Alejandro Paz on “International Waters Vol. 1” compilation (Ombra Intl.)
Persona – Game Drive (Remix) (Side UP Works)
Technician /w Theus Mago on “Spektrum 2” compilation (TAU)
Click Click /w Skelesys on “Path Integral III” compilation (Sum Over Histories)
Peacock EP /w Alejandro Paz /w remixes by Tronik Youth, Stockholm Syndrome, Gegen Mann (NEIN Records)
Disco Bizarre /w Billy Idle on “Free Love Vol. 01 – Charity Compilation for KitKat Club” compilation (Disco Bizarre)
Fisherman Solitude /w Time To Sleep on “VA.LUES 01.” compilation (Secret Fusion)
FLXXX – The Past Has No Power (Remix) (Roam Recordings)
Pyrame – The Fine Line Between Us (Remix) (Thisbe Recordings)
Remi Wanless – Italian Laser Treatment (Remix) (Midnight People)
Peacock (Stockholm Syndrome AU Remix) /w Alejandro Paz on “NEIN 2020” compilation (NEIN Records)
Leo Af Ekenstam – March (Remix) /w Time To Sleep (Play Pal Music)
Tough As Leather /w Skelesys on “Meteors EP” compilation (Logical Records)
John Parsley – Highlife (Remix) /w Time To Sleep (Playground Records)
Peacock (Stockholm Syndrome Remix) /w Alejandro Paz included in “NEIN 2020” compilation (NEIN Records)
FLXXX – The Past Has No Power (Remix) on “The Roam Compilation, Vol. 5” compilation (Roam Recordings)
Komm Ins Loch (Colossio Remix) /w Theus Mago on “HARD FIVE: A Five Year Duro Retrospective” compilation (Duro)
The Snitch /w Thomass Jackson on “Kaputt.wav Vol. II: Reserva / Voz Terra” compilation (Kaputt.wav)
Directions EP /w Alejandro Paz /w remixes by DJs Pareja, Undo & Velax (Darkroom Dubs)
To Vathos /w Theus Mago on “Zoo Vol.01” compilation (Feines Tier)
Gøne – Tides (Remix) (Ladino Romance)
Grounding /w Wolfstream on “Hand 2 Hand” compilation (Hand 2 Hand)
Faster Faster /w Skelesys on “Curses Presents Next Wave Acid Punx”compilation (Eskimo Recordings)
Alberto Melloni – Red Siren (Remix)(Paradise Palms Records)
This Is Iptamenos Discos (Iptamenos Discos)
Kid Simius – We Like To Party (Remix) (Jirafa Records)
Freakme, Packim – Crazy Heart (Remix)(Blue Shadow)
Directions (Undo Remix) /w Alejandro Paz on “Darkroom Dubs Vol. V” Compilation (Darkroom Dubs)
Who Am I EP /as Dina Summer /w remixes by Black Light Smoke, Wiener Planquadrat & Time To Sleep (Iptamenos Discos)
Light It Up /w Wiener Planquadrat on ‘NDE Compilation Vol. 2’ (New Day Everyday)
You Are Mine EP /w Skelesys /w remixes by The KVB & Autumns (Snap, Crackle & Pop)
Ali X & Fausto – Take It Outside (Remix) /w Wiener Planquadrat (Controlla)
Love Terrorist /w Franz Matthews on ‘9 Years Compilation’ (Playground Records)
Hoffnung /w Alejandro Paz on ‘Peace for Ukraine’ Compilation (Ombra INTL)
No Evidence EP /w Skelesys /w remixes by Intergalactic Gary, Anatolian Weapons & Facets (Samo Records)
La Mano – Be My Fire (Remix) /w Wiener Planquadrat (Tusk Wax)
Eros Anikate/w Lena Platonos, The Hidden Cameras, Curses, Skelesys, Kalipo, Lee Stevens, Hard Ton & Theus Mago, (Iptamenos Discos)