Meet Hollywood Star Leesa Rowland and her amazing Animal Ashram Charity

Meet Hollywood Star Leesa Rowland and her amazing Animal Ashram Charity

There is a oneness of all life. We at Animal Ashram have a profound love of nature, animals, humans and of all life-forms. We believe that animals are not ours to eat, experiment on, to be used for entertainment, to be killed for their fur and skin or be exploited or abused in any way. All animals suffer pain as well as fear and experience a range of emotions and feelings. They all have unique personalities and should be respected as the individuals they indeed are.

Leesa is hosting a fabulous event on Monday August 13th 2018 and the Hilton family and even Royalty is expected: Emmy Judge and TV-Host His Highness Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe confirmed his attendance

“Life is full of choices and living a cruelty-free life is the best choice I have ever made. There is plenty to eat without eating animals, plenty to wear without wearing animals and plenty of entertainment without exploiting animals.

My choice is compassion. It is always in fashion.”  – Leesa Rowland