Eileen Gu ist der Name, den sich man JETZT merken muss

Eileen Gu ist der Name, den sich man JETZT merken muss

Eileen Gu ist der Name, den sich man JETZT merken muss – und in ihrer neuen Serie auf Red Bull TV erfährt man alles Wesentliche über sie!

Im Alter von nur 17 Jahren eroberte Eileen Gu 2021 die internationale Freeski-Szene: Mit einer Reihe herausragender Erfolge schrieb sie die Rekordbücher um und verblüffte die Skiwelt.

Aber wer ist das Klavier spielende, reitende und Mandarin sprechende Profi-Model, das China repräsentiert, die Stanford University besucht und zufällig auch noch eine übernatürliche Gabe auf zwei Brettern besitzt?

Zum Glück für ihre Fans gibt „Everyday Eileen“ alle Antworten. Die neue vierteilige Serie auf Red Bull TV dokumentiert den Aufstieg des neuesten Freeski-Phänomens und zeigt nie zuvor gesehenes Material aus ihrer Saison 2021 – dem Jahr, in dem sie in die Geschichtsbücher eingegangen ist.

Everyday Eileen nimmt die Zuschauer auf eine stürmische Reise mit – vom Highschool-Leben in San Francisco über Trainingslager in Aspen und Model-Shootings in New York bis zu Gus Siegen bei der WM. Zwischendurch sichert sie sich als erster Rookie in der Geschichte noch schnell drei Medaillen bei den X-Games: Zweimal Gold und einmal Bronze.

Eileen Gu performing at the Red Bull Performance camp in Saas Fee, Switzerland


Alle Folgen von Everyday Eileen gibt es hier:

Episode 1 von Everyday Eileen auf YouTube:


See how Chinese-American teenager juggles education, modelling and skiing.

Eileen Gu’s ascent to become a winter-sports star has been nothing short of remarkable the last two years with a new four-part Red Bull TV series documenting the rise of freeskiing’s latest phenomenon from San Francisco high school kid to world glory.
In 2021, Gu burst onto the international senior winter sports scene as a 17-year-old and ripped up the record books with a rapid series of breathtaking displays that stunned the freeskiing world.
After winning two gold medals and a silver medal at the 2020 Winter Youth Olympics, Gu claimed two golds and a bronze at the 2021 Winter X Games then the same again at the World Championships with her unique talent seeing her excel in big air, halfpipe and slopestyle.

But just who is the 18-year-old piano playing, horse-back riding, Stanford University attending, professional model who just happens to have a supernatural gift on two skis?
The series reveals never-before-seen footage from Gu’s 2021 season, which will go down in history as she also won two gold medals and one bronze medal at the World Championships despite fracturing a finger and tearing a thumb UCL – forcing her to ski without poles for the first time.

Watch how she calmly navigated struggling to zip up her jacket and put her boots on to calmly sending flawless slopestyle and halfpipe runs.
Everyday Eileen takes us on the whirlwind journey from high school life to world domination with model shoots in New York and becoming the first rookie to win three Winter X Games medals in between, while she also became the first woman to land a forward double cork 1440

Gu – who in 2019 made „the hardest choice I’ve ever had to make“ in representing her mother’s birthplace China – could have chosen any number of career paths but chose skiing having started aged three.
She openly admits she lives four different lives where no second of any day is wasted, however ‚being a teenager and doing teenager things‘ is still very much part of the agenda with a joyous moment shared when she is accepted into the prestigious Stanford University as a legacy applicant.
One of her many passions and interests away from the snow is modelling with a recent Met Gala appearance and first Vogue cover coming on the back of her being named the new face of lingerie brand Victoria’s Secret.
She adds, „Both have a lot of creative expression, take me out of my comfort zone and require a lot of self-confidence.“

Watch all episodes of Everyday Eileen from December 15 HERE.

Discover more in the Beyond the Ordinary podcast episode: Eileen Gu and Bobby Brown: a conversation between two freeski stars.