Seivson turn over a new leaf of the world’s fashion shows, the world’s initial fashion show, with models wearing unlisted designs… wearing identification tags, from the stage to the audience.
The identification numbers Runway LOOK Number, which strung together the art and culture of the fashion show, the commerce and business deals after the show. We wanted to bring the fashion show back to the essence of daily clothing.
Photos byDyelog | Coddy Unit F, Flatiron Yard, 14 Ayres Street London SE1 1ES
„Start from scratch, go back to the beginning, and let the show go into everyday life“
Paper hangings, paper cranes, and seven-five-three ropes symbolize peace and hope, and grow in peace.
Keeping the original intention of „0“ is the beginning, the ending, the departure of the dream, and the pursuit of the future we want bravely.
Photos byDyelog | Coddy Unit F, Flatiron Yard, 14 Ayres Street London SE1 1ES