Kunst2Go im Mauersegler Berlin vom 14. April 2024

Kunst2Go im Mauersegler Berlin vom 14. April 2024

The art school “Schule für Bildende Kunst und Gestaltung Berlin” (SBKG) is delighted to invite you to the vernissage Kunst2Go Berlin Fine Art. On Sunday, April 14, 2024, the fifth vernissage of this very special art project will take place at the bar Mauersegler, directly at Mauerpark – Berlin’s most colorful and crazy public green space.

The project is centered around five disused vending machines, from which small and fine art works can be pulled by pushing a button. These tiny pieces of art surprise not only with the variety of their themes and techniques, but also with their unusual sales presentation. Art lovers have the opportunity to purchase a piece of Berlin art the size of the palm of their hand and take a unique piece home with them for the small price of eight euros.

„Kunst2Go Berlin Fine Art“ was made possible by the art school in collaboration with the following 15 international artists from Germany, France, Iran, Mongolia, Argentina, Brasil, all based in Berlin:

Art Mix Irene, Bola Bolor, Caro Callas, Carola Mehlhorn, Eri Greilich, Fernanda Biondo, Imix (Emiliano Ezequiel Soraire), Isabelle Spicer, Julia Shanaytsa, Landro, Lene Wendel, Marina Wiedelmann, Mathilda Nitsch, Saman and Sinaida Feinstein.

The idea is to make art more accessible and promote local artists at the same time. A map will guide Berliners as well as tourists interested in art from one vending machine to another on a short art rally through Berlin, as soon as all the machines are all up at the end of April. The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund and the Berlin Senate as part of the LSI funding program. The innovative approach reflects the efforts to promote cultural diversity in our city and to revitalize the art scene while networking with the local economy.

The project was launched in summer 2023 and since then the artists have been working intensively on modifying and redesigning the former tights vending machines, producing small, high-quality art works and creating sustainable and elegant packaging.

Kunst2go created a network of cooperation partners from Berlin’s hotel industry, business and cultural scene. The project kicked off in the „Galerie ZeitZone“, where the first art vending machine was unveiled on December 19, 2023. On January 26, 2024, the project was presented with a second vernissage at the Vinogradov Gallery. The second „Gold piece“ has been on display at the nhow Hotel Berlin since March 7th. From March 19, our third vending machine with an accompanying exhibition of the artists has moved into Café Berio. The exhibition can be visited and enjoyed alongside coffee, cake and other treats until April 28.

The fourth vending machine will be located in the Mauersegler from April 14th with a vernissage by the artists. During the opening, they will present a wide variety of artworks, from detailed linocuts and impressive etchings to paintings, collages, art puzzles and small sculptures. Be ready for not only visual pleasure at the exhibition, but also a new experience in dealing with art. We look forward to welcoming art lovers, collectors and curious people.

Kunst2Go im Mauersegler
Vernissage: Mauersegler, Dienstag, 14. April 2024, 11:00 bis 17:00 Uhr, Bernauer Str.63, 13355 Berlin

Kontakt und weitere Informationen zum Projekt:
Kunstschule Berlin by Anne Baumgarth Mail