Jason J. Carter is one of Hollywoods hottest TV-Anchors and Face Five has the beloved television personality headlining the Millennials hit show.

(North American News Agency/Zeitblatt.com/CTS/Hollywood/California/USA)

1.How do you describe yourself in one sentence?

I am a dynamic, passionate, talented man with integrity and purpose

2.How do you know Margie?

I met Margie after answering an online casting for the show! And the rest is television history!

3.Which achievement are you especially proud of?

I am most proud of overcoming depression. I was clinically depressed for 5 years and it was the struggle of and for my life. Nothing I could ever do will be as important to me as that.

4.What moves and encourages you?

Success moves and inspires me. Ambition moves me. Being able bring to fruition ideas and seeing you goals materialize are so important to me. To leave a legacy of accomplishment is something I will always strive for.

5.Are you upset about critique?

I love feedback in critique. I think it’s imperative for growth and to evolve. As long as it comes from a source that knows and can also walk the walk and talk the talk. You always have to consider the source.

6.Where does your next trip lead you to?

My next trip is leading me to Europe to explore and enjoy. There is so much of the world we don’t get to see. Traveling opens your heart and your mind.

7. What can your assistant or help do that your smart phone can’t?

Haha getting me coffee! No just kidding but seriously an assistant can run errands and also be a support system and sounding board. A smartphone or Siri can’t.

8.Are you a night owl or early bird and why?

I am definitely an earlybird. I feel the earlier you get up and get going th e better. I love to start my morning on the treadmill. Working up a sweat feels wonderful first thing

8.Whom would you like to dine with present or past (even a historic person)?

A person I would like to dine with would be Mariah Carey. I am.an audiophile and musically this woman shaped my ear for music. Her work ethic and sheer musical genius is unrivaled. I would talk to her about her life before stardom and her inspiration on so many songs. She is more than what the public perceives

  1. If you would bestow a decoration, order or honor who would receive it

Thats a hard one. Let me get back to you on that. LOL

12.What is your favorite restaurant?

My favorite restaurant would be Bossa Nova in Hollywood. It was one one of the first places I went to when I first moved here. So many special moments there and the food is fantastic.

13.The best place after a party night out in town?

My bed! Haha when you party hard you have to RECOVER hard!!!! I love a good night’s sleep. It’s essential and imperative to my sanity.

14.How can you be treated with a culinary delight?

I’m not a picky eater but I always like trying out new things. Surprise me. One time my husband and I went to Dinner In The Dark. It was the most amazing and peaceful experience ever. The food was superb and what was more amazing is that it was all handled people who were sight impaired. Was truly fabulous.

  1. How do you relax?

I love to take a long hot shower. Grab a glass of sangria and watch a good movie. Read a great book or spend time with my hubby.

  1. If you could be someone else for a week, who would that be?

If could be someone else for a week I would love to be BEYONCE. I know, it’s sounds crazy but I admire her business savvy and work ethic in addition to her creativity. She is a perfectionist like myself and to be able to have a glimpse into her world would be monumental

17.Your biggest hero?

My mother. She is strong and persevered in spite of. She to me is perfection.

  1. Which character attributes do you treasure?

I treasure loyalty. Loyalty is so important to me. Honesty probably holds the same place as well. Those two are the cornerstone of any relationship. And they also go hand in hand. I’m fiercely loyal and while you can’t hold people to the same standards you operate in, you can for sure cultivate relationships with the people who do.

  1. Which book did you read last?

The last book I read and enjoyed was The Handmaids Tale by Margaret Atwood. It’s a fascinating and emotional read.

  1. What is a perfect day?

A perfect day is when I get to do what I love. I love to work. So when I’m on set honing and presenting my craft I am happy. But to be honest any day that I am healthy and able to love and be loved is perfect

21.What are you proud of?

I am proud of never giving up. Life is a series of steps and decisions that ultimately bring you to where you are at the very moment. It’s hard. Sometimes unbearable. But keeping your eye on the prize and just moving forward is what’s defines your character. And that is something to celebrate

22.Which dream do you want to fulfill yourself?

Making it to network television. Having a daily talk show where I can connect with audiences across the world. That’s always been something that I wake up to and fall asleep to

  1. Whats your favorite drink?

A yummy Moscow Mule. The ginger. The lime. The vodka..so heavenly

24.Your biggest success?

My biggest success is being a cast member for more than 13 seasons on a show that has changed the face of television. A global icon. A show that has show a side of the LGBT community and has been braced by millions. That to me is a huge success

25.Your biggest down?

Holding onto anger and resentment.

26.What can’t you understand?

French! Hahaha I’m learning though.

27.Which talent would you like to have?

I would love to be an athlete. And I mean world class. I’ve never been good at sports and find time who are able to excel at them fascinating.

28.Share a life wisdom with us?

What you resist, persists. I’ve realized that the fear of making a choice is more agonizing than leaping and seeing what happens next.

29.Life is too short to?

Worry. Period.

30. How do you define luxury?

I define luxury as something that brings peace. Something that feels good and makes you feel otherworldly. Luxury just doesn’t have to be material things or goods. It can be an experience. A feeling.

31.What do you always have in your fridge?

Always Chobani Flips! Can’t live with out them. In every flavor.

Whats your life motto?

Take no prisoners.

32.Whats your favorite website?

A website called Fragrantica.com

I am a huge fragrance freak and love reading about new and old scents as well as the science behind it. The perfumers are the magicians that capture memories and feelings in a bottle. Its truly amazing. Also kind weird right?

  1. Whats your favorite app?

My banking app..I like money and love it more when it’s in my account haha

  1. Whats your favorite sport?

Favorite sport is Futbol. The energy and the passion these players have is unrivaled.

35.What would be your last meal?

My husband’s spaghetti and meatballs and my mom’s Green Chile Chicken Enchiladas.

HOMEPAGE: jasonunleashed.net

Instagram: jasoncarterofficial
Twitter @jjcforever
Facebook: Jason J. Carter