Book author Robert W. Cabell adds: „Alexander and his son Heinrich Donatus Teddy harm the good name of the Prince Waldemar, Princess Antonia and Prince Mario-Max zu Schaumburg-Lippe family with their conduct. For a reason the Prince Waldemar family distances themselves from these people.“
H.H. Dr. Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe attended the Living Legends of Aviation Gala 2023 he is invited to every year. His beautiful girlfriend AJ Andrea Catsimatidis was his guest. When Prince Harry, Andrea and Prince Mario-Max took selfies together, they decided only to post Prince Harry and Prince Mario-Max.
Prince Mario-Max wanted to demonstrate his beloved AJ Andrea Catsimatidis how Alexander Schaumburg-Lippe’s defamatory hate campaigns work, and protect her from his envy. Alexander abused a selfie with Prince Mario-Max and Prince Harry to catapult himself into the news. He uses the media since nearly twenty years for his characters assassination campaigns.
Dr. Princess Antonia Schaumburg-Lippe, the birth mother of Prince Mario-Max and wife of his father Prince Waldemar states: She is so thankful that Prince Waldemar, the elegant Royal, always distanced himself and our family from this Mister Alexander Prinz zu Schaumburg-Lippe. As a veterinarian she commented him acting like a flea who needs the blood of a dog. He uses journalists as puppets on a string.
Germany is a republic and Alexander is just a guy with the same last name Prinz zu Schaumburg-Lippe. He is not the head of the Prince Waldemar, Dr. Princess Antonia and Dr. Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe family at all. He fabricated such a position and gets this posted online on his own pompous website and Wikipedia. It’s a big bluff targeted towards tabloid reporters blindly being used for his cause.
When AJ Andrea Catsimatidis and Prince Mario-Max talked with Prince Harry at the Award Show, AJ already knew Price Harry from a previous occasion years back. She also told Prince Harry that she will attend a Windsor family gathering for the Greek on February 27th of 2024. The Living Legends of Aviation was a get together in a Royal and business circle and nothing alike this guy Alexander fabricated and commented envious. Prince Mario-Max also cheered Prince Harry up due to his family members medical problems. Prince Waldemar photographed Queen Elizabeth II. multiple times in the Danish Kingdom, as Prince Waldemar was Royal Danish court photographer and held a Dansk Diplomat passport through the Royal house (Prince Waldemars mother is Princess Feodora of Denmark).
Prince Mario-Max Prince Harry AJ (c) H.H. Dr. Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe
Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe, a TV-host himself, posted on twitter the malicious campaign Daily Mail was used for by the fake Alexander statements and defamatory comments, just to get his name out riding the Prince Harry PR-train.
Alexander Schaumburg-Lippe was not invited to the Living Legends of Aviation in Beverly Hills, he was not seen at the Royal Windsor event where Andrea was invited with her parents, whilst Prince Mario-Max was working on a Hollywood documentary, and Alexander simply bullied and tricked journalists.
Princess Antonia Schaumburg-Lippe: „Alexander is a FAKE house chef for MY family, as he has NOTHING to do with me or our son!“.
Prince Mario-Max is a lawyer, Lee Strasberg trained actor and businessman. „He is a honest and hardworking professional in the entertainment industry, passionate philanthropist and educated individual. The defamatory attacks of hateful bully Prince Alexander are a disgrace for our name“, Princess Antonia said, as her husband Prince Waldemar (father of Prince Mario-Max), was Prinz zu Schaumburg-Lippe way before this guy Alex: „My husband was Prinz zu Schaumburg-Lippe 1940 when this guy Alex was not even born!“.
Book author Robert W. Cabell adds: „Alexander and his son Heinrich Donatus Teddy harm the good name of the Prince Waldemar, Princess Antonia and Prince Mario-Max zu Schaumburg-Lippe family with their conduct. For a reason the Prince Waldemar family distances themselves from these people.“
Main Photo: John Travolta the main host of Living Legends of Aviation was introduced by the event hosts the Lips family to Dr. Antonia Prinzessin zu Schaumburg-Lippe and her son Dr. Prince Mario-Max zu Schaumburg-Lippe.