How is Hollywood Actor and News Anchor Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe related to the Queen and Prince Harry?

How is Hollywood Actor and News Anchor Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe related to the Queen and Prince Harry?

Is Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe a real Prince? Yes, Royal Genealogy and Lineage.

European Royals unite close ties since more then 1000 years. The Windsor’s original name was the German House of Saxony Coburg and Gotha. Hollywood’s Prince Charming Mario-Max‘ father is a relative of Queen Elizabeth II. and also part of the British Line of Succession to the Throne.

His HIghness Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe is the son of His Highness Prince Waldemar Schaumburg-Lippe and Her Highness Dr. Princess Antonia Schaumburg-Lippe. His Grandmother is Her Royal Highness Princess Feodora of Denmark and he is a relative to the British Royal House.

Prince Mario-Max is directing the new Broadway Show New York in Chains to premiere at the Hollywood Fringe Festival on June 3rd 2018.


His Highness Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe

His Highness Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe