Dimitry Savchenko

Born on the 13th of October 1970 in USSR. The work of art of photographer Dmitry Savchenko is used by leading world theatres, such as The Metropolitan Opera ( New York ),  Opera National de Paris , Teatro alla Scala , Teatro Massimo     (Palermo, Italy), The Bolshoi Theatre of Russia , Mariinsky Theatre , as well as for the purpose of commercial campaigns by other administrative theatrical institutions and promotions within the ballet industry.

 ZeitBlatt Magazin: Hello Dimitry! how did you get to photography?

Dimitry Savchenko: For many years I’m trying to connect in my photography women’s beauty and the beauty of light and shadow. For me, the art of photography is like drawing with light. I think that’s the key to photography. Certainly, first of all, I’am a photographer. Photography it’s my vision. I paint my dream. I am fascinating by ballet…I always wanted to unite ballerinas and light and art of photography. I discovered a new dimension in my photography art. It is classic beauty in classic light. The art in the arts. One life doesn’t seem enough to convey this combination…

ZeitBlatt Magazin: What kind of photography are you doing?

Dimitry Savchenko: It can be artwork with beautiful women, ballerinas, dancers and actresses in gorgeous historical places,wonderful palaces and castles with great history and amazing energy. My photography connects past and future and my photography travels in and out of time. It’s a mysterious world of lighting, beauty and centuries – old architecture.

ZeitBlatt Magazin: How would you describe your style?

Dimitry Savchenko: Light is the essence of art photography, Light, that is most important thing in the Art of photography. Classics. Because,- classics has been always classics and will be.

ZeitBlatt Magazin: Which photographer or artist inspires you?

Dimitry Savchenko: Caravaggio. Michelangelo, Merisi da Caravaggio was an Italian painter with a dramatic use of lighting and certainly. Helmut Newton with his black and white photography.

ZeitBlatt Magazin: Which technique do you use when taking photos?

Dmitry Savchenko: Using high – key or low – key lighting when I create artwork and contre-jour backlighting, I am able to show in my art the natural beauty of women – the mystery of a woman’s eyes and her body’s grace and prettiness.

ZeitBlatt Magazin: Your first camera? And what are you photographing today?

Dimitry Savchenko: My first camera was analog film camera Nikon and my creative life I use Nikon cameras.

ZeitBlatt Magazin: The story behind one of your pictures? Is there a picture that is particularly close to your heart? Why?

Dimitry Savchenko: I will tell you truth,- I can’t tell which work for me is better. But time shows everything. If we are talking about photography, if you create for example woman’s portrait, you need to see first of all her eyes. And of course, it’s lighting. In dependence of age, style, atmosphere you must to choose, which kind of lighting you will use.

ZeitBlatt Magazin: Your next project?

Dimitry Savchenko: I would like to create pictures with an unique castles and palaces, great historical monuments of Germany. That is historical and cultural heritage.