The Fynnton Gray Collection at Style Fashion Week in NYC

The Fynnton Gray Collection at Style Fashion Week in NYC

The Fynnton Gray Collection premiered this past weekend at Style Fashion Week in NYC to massive acclaim and a resonating fascination with the message that seemed to be prevalent alongside the extraordinarily fashion forward collection. Showing a plethora of out of the box and innovative looks, this family of two dads and a seven year old fashionista in his own right, Fynnton Gray, told a story of kindness, tolerance and acceptance… seemingly for ones self.

The Fynnton Gray Collection at Style Fashion Week in NYC

It was clear from the opening video which included dramatic and almost uncomfortable self realization verbiage mixed with images supporting the idea of gender non conformity in fashion and conditioning a it relates to self worth and perception.
This show and the Gray family nailed it and if the last few days since the showing are any indication, the conversation prompted by it all will be a hot topic in the fashion industry and beyond for a long time.
Perhaps the best part is that The Fynnton Gray Collection benefits

We can’t wait to see where these risk taking superstars hit us in the heart next.