How the elegant Baroness Olga Papkovitch became New Yorks favorite Artist, Designer and Publisher 2018. Her Popimpresska empire was crowned 2018 with her very own fashion line. A huge hit in New Yorks A-list circles. Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe asked the honorable Baroness questions no one has ever asked her before.

Baroness Olga Papkovitch in the center of every top event. Some of the very best she hosts herself!
NAME: Baroness Olga Papkovitch
PROFESSION/BERUF: Artist, Designer and Publisher
1.How do you describe yourself in one sentence?
Olga: Passionate , Sensitive and Impressive
2.How do you know His HIghness Dr. Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe?
Olga: We met at the Nobility Ball
3.Which achievement are you especially proud of?
Launching my Careers in : Art Industry (exhibiting my Art in Chelsey and all over the world),
Launch of my Magazine PopImpressKA Journal, Launching My Fashion Brand
and using this platform to organize various charity events
4.What moves and encourages you?
Faith an understanding the purpose of my life to make a positive change for myself and in other people lives.
5.Are you upset about critique?
Critique gives a chance to lean more about others who critique you, so no, it is like an eye opener.
6.Where does your next trip lead you to?
Discovering more mysteries of our world.
7.What can your assistant or help do that your smart phone can’t?
Talk to me in a simple human form and understanding.
8.Are you a night owl or early bird and why?
Depends on a task i am working on, can wake up as early as 5 and go to bed as late as 9am (if I am painting).
9. Whom would you like to dine with present or past (even a historic person)?
Jesus Christ, Leonardo Da Vinchi, My Guardian Angel, St. Spiridon, St. Nicholas and St. Panteleimon.
10. If you would bestow a decoration, order or honor who would receive it?
My mother.
11. What is your favorite restaurant?
Daniel, NYC
12.The best place after a party night out in town?
Il Mulino.
13. How can you be treated with a culinary delight?
Have a personal Chef prepare in front of me and taste together with me.
Sailing and Swimming.
15.If you could be someone else for a week, who would that be?
I only want to walk in my own shoes, so myself, the tragedy and inside condition of others could be worst then we could ever imagine
16.Your biggest hero?
My mom.
17.Which character attributes do you treasure?
Jesus Christ (all of the sufferings and battles that He went through to show us there could be a different way of life)
Gladiators (neverending bravery and tolerance for an extreme pain and knowledge u can be killed in a split second)
18. Which book did you read last?
„The Last Man From Atlantis“ by Alexander Belyaev.
19. What is a perfect day?
a walk on the beach, sailing, swimming, playing with Dolphins.
20. What are you proud of?
My faith in Human Kind.
21. Which dream do you want to fulfill yourself?
Find Alexandrian Library and be able to read and understand the ancient scripts.
22. Whats your favorite drink?
23. Your biggest success?
Keeping my faith.
25. What can’t you understand?
Why our nature is not priority.
26. Which talent would you like to have?
Predict natural disasters and heal.
27. Share a life wisdom with us?
Our subconscious mind creates our own reality.
28. Life is too short to?
To be afraid to take risks.
29. How do you define luxury?
Is a feeling of self fulfillment and self efficiency.
30. What do you always have in your fridge?
Green Apples and Clementines.
31. Whats your life motto?
Nothing lasts forever, everything changes.
32. Whats your favorite website?
Any animal web site is great.
33. Whats your favorite app?
34. Whats your favorite sport?
Sailing and Figure Skating.
35. What would be your last meal?
Ice Cream with Tea.
36. Tell us something you never told anyone before?
Animal Videos are the most entertaining to me.
Instagram: Popimpresska
Twitter: Popimpresska
*His Highness Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe of Germany is a real European Prince and Artist.
He studied Jazz Dance in Hollywood at icon Luigi with Liza Minnelli and studied acting with David Strasberg at the world famous Lee Strasberg Institute in Hollywood.
He was lead in Pretty Faces The Musical, Dracula’s Story and Twelve Days of Christmas World Premiere. Then he starred and acted in TV-Shows by Warner Brother, films for Livetime and hit shows on ABC, CBS, VH1, NBC and RTL. He hosts his own TV-Show for the last eight years Astro Royal reaching 102,7 Million households in 34 countries and is a multi Golden Halo Award Winning Actor, Award Winning producer and media personality holding 3 Master degrees and a doctorate.
He created a top selling fragrance and Teleshopping line, wrote several books and his latest book is published by the worlds largest publishing company Bertelsmann Randomhouse Books. He appeared in thousands of Articles and on dozens of covers of Magazines, being himself an alumni Gruner and Jahr and Burda Media author for Europes Largest Magazine. His recent Music productions are We Are One by Grammy Winner David Longoria, three of his own Albums The Royal Album 1, 2 & 3, Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas by Disney’s Lion King Producer and Imagine in Seven Languages coming out next.
He loves social Media and the princely family is online under their Website: ♔ Facebook: ♔ Instagram: ♔ Twitter: ♔ Hashtag: #princemariomaxschaumburglippe