Royal News: Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe hosts TONY AWARDS TV Special 2018

Royal News: Prince Mario-Max Schaumburg-Lippe hosts TONY AWARDS TV Special 2018

TV-Anchor and Host of Astro Royal TV-Show and Astro Royal Hollywood Prince Mario-Max just announced that he will attend the 2018 Tony Awards and produce a Musical special. 

(North American News Agency/Nan.Agency/CTS/ Mario Max Schaumburg Lippe/Astro TV/Tony Awards/NYC/New York/Radio City Music Hall/Rockefeller Cetner). He will feature the Musical and Broadway worlds biggest night after helping a local LA production directing their preview premiere. „I am excited to head to New York City for the newest gig, directing a Tony Special for television. We will feature the great Broaday live theatre world and its finest talent“, Prince Mario-Max announced.

Prince Mario-Max has previously attended the Tony Awards and starred in Hit-Musicals himself (12 Days of Christmas World Premiere, Dracula’s Story in the Arena Finkenstein and Pretty Faces The Large And Lovely Musical). He got introduced to Broadway by Liza Minnelli and studied at Luigi and Broadway Dance Center.